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Artworks from (in order of appearance) LIA, AT; Matt Pearson, GB; Luzena Adams, US; Robert Krawczyk, US; Robert Seidel, DE; Ian Gouldstone, GB; Wintergatan, SE; Courtney Egan, US; Joshua Davis, US; Timothy Jeffs, AU; Sean Capone, US

aweStruct is a cultural experience design studio combining expertise in art curation and research in wellbeing. We acknowledge our inherent and overlapping connections to the places we inhabit. We underscore these connections by offering unique programs that reveal heightened senses of wonder, while increasing value in community and its overlooked assets.


Art After Dark 2024
December 13/14, 2024
Vero Beach Museum of Art, Vero Beach, FL

In Real Light IRL: Trinidad
February 2/3, 2024

Town of Trinidad, CO

Lumenous at The Heard
December 28/29/30, 2023
The Heard Museum of Art, Phoenix, AZ


© aweStruct 2017-2024